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THE YOUTH WITH RED-GOLD HAIR, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: The gold-armoured ghost from the roman road
Last Line: Forlorn.'
Subject(s): Aging; Sun; Youth

The gold-armoured ghost from the Roman road
Sighed over the wheat
'Fear not the sound and the glamour
Of my gold armour --
(The sound of the wind and the wheat)
Fear not its clamour . . . .
Fear only the red-gold sun with the fleece of a fox
Who will steal the fluttering bird you hide in your
Fear only the red-gold rain
That will dim your brightness, O my tall tower of the
You, -- my blonde girl . . . .'
But the wind sighed, 'Rest.' . . .
The wind in his grey knight's armour
The wind in his grey night armour
Sighed over the fields of wheat, 'He is gone . . .

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