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RONDEAU, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: By jove, 'tis done with me, for isabeau
Last Line: By jove, 'tis done!
Subject(s): Size And Shape

BY Jove, 'tis done with me, for Isabeau
Conjures me straight a Rondeau to bestow,
Which puts me in perplexity extreme!
Verses thirteen, in 'eau' eight, five in 'eme'--
As well attempt to build a boat I trow.

But here at least are five, I'd have you know,
To make them eight I here invoke Bredeau;
Next will squeeze in by some ingenious scheme.
By Jove, 'tis done!

Now from my labouring brain if yet would flow
Five more, 'twould make indeed a goodly show;
And now the twelfth is added to my team;
And here at last the thirteenth joins the row.
By Jove, 'tis done!

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