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FAREWELL, UNKIST, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: What should I say / since faith is dead
Last Line: Farewell, unkist!
Alternate Author Name(s): Wyat, Thomas
Variant Title(s): A Revocation;song: 94
Subject(s): Love; Unfaithfulness; Infidelity; Adultery; Inconstancy

What should I say,
Since faith is dead,
And truth away
From you is fled?
Should I be led
With doubleness?
Nay, nay, Mistress!

I promised you,
And you promised me,
To be as true
As I would be;
But since I see
Your double heart,
Farewell my part!

Though for to take
It is not my mind,
But to forsake,
I am not blind,
And as I find,
So will I trust.
Farewell, unjust!

Can ye say nay
But you said
That I always
Should be obeyed?
And thus betrayed
Or that I was wist
Farewell, unkist!

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