Poetry Explorer

Classic and Contemporary Poetry

CIRCUS AT NIGHT, by                    
First Line: The weathered tent on this star-gilded night
Last Line: And singing crickets claim the field again.
Subject(s): Circus; Fields; Pastures; Meadows; Leas

The weathered tent on this star-gilded night
Is a great lantern. Its internal glow
Falls on the watchers of the splendent show,
On grinning clowns, and beasts in stupid plight.
The cheers that tell the multitude's delight
Are lost in martial melodies that grow
More loud as wonder mounts, while to and fro
Men leap in air across a dizzy height.
Three hours have passed. There is no shining tent.
No shouts or music break the town's deep rest.
There are no cowering beasts, no daring men.
The dew has fallen. In the firmament
Antares has pushed farther toward the west,
And singing crickets claim the field again.

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