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PRAYER OF AN UNEMPLOYED MAN, by             Poem Explanation        
First Line: Here in the quiet of my room
Last Line: Abide with me and be my friend.
Subject(s): Religion; Unemployment; Theology

Here in the quiet of my room,
I come to Thee for friendship; to feel
That Someone is with me, though unseen.
All day I have seen a multitude of people,
But I am still lonely and hungry for human cheer.

No life has touched mine in understanding;
No hand has clasped mine in friendship;
My heart is empty and my hands are idle.
Help me to feel Thy presence,
So that the disappointment of this day
Shall not overwhelm me.

Keep me from becoming cynical and bitter;
Keep me warm and human, and set a new faith
Before my eyes -- a new hope to live by
And a new spirit with which to overcome discouragements.
Guide me to that very necessary thing
Of life -- WORK!
Abide with me and be my friend.

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