Poetry Explorer

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THE ALCHEMIST, by                    
First Line: Who soothed me after my boyish fight
Last Line: My mother.
Subject(s): Mothers

WHO soothed me after my boyish fight,
And held me in her arms so tight,
And knew--and knew--my cause was right?
My mother.

Who, when low grades from school were sent,
Healed my hurt pride, cheered my intent,
And knew I would be President?
My mother.

Who, when my dreams had come to naught,
In spite of all that worldlings thought,
Believed, believed, and aye besought?
My mother.

Who, when I reeked with sin and shame,
Without a word of grief or blame
Saw one true spark and made it flame?
My mother.

Who, when in blackest hell I lie,
Will lift my thwarted soul on high
And make hell heaven, if she is by?
My mother.

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