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ON THE MOOR, by                    
First Line: Out on the lonely moor, so quiet and still
Last Line: A closet on the moor?
Subject(s): Birds

OUT on the lonely moor, so quiet and still,
Where undisturb'd the meditative mind
May nurse the thought that's uppermost at will,
What pleasure it doth find!

Here, far away from all the bustling throng
In headlong haste ambition's goal to reach,
There is no jarring of discordant song,
No venal, vulgar speech.

Only the voice of Nature greets the ear,
In lark's and linnet's song, and curlew's call,
The bleating lamb, the purling streamlet clear,
And rushing waterfall.

Sweet simple singers, whose true, artless strains
Of Nature's happiness and homage pure,
Make glad the heart, the burden of life's pains
The better to endure.

While, 'mid soft breezes, whispering voices tell
Of life and immortality to be;
As of its parent ocean breathes the shell,
Time of eternity.

Here fair flow'rs nestle in the shady nooks,
As if afraid to be by mortals seen;
With all the graces in their loving looks
And modesty of mien.

Graces that warm the heart with gratitude,
As they unfold their Author's love divine;
Giving a foretaste of celestial food --
The angel's bread and wine.

Oh, lone retreat of peaceful, calm repose,
Who would not taste thy cup of pleasures pure,
And prize, in such a world of wants and woes,
A closet on the moor?

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