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OUR SOLDIERS' SANTIAGO SONG, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: Singing 'the star spangled banner'
Last Line: Sang a song of praise to god.
Subject(s): Heroism; National Songs; Rifles; Soldiers; War; Heroes; Heroines; National Anthems

When the destruction of Cervera's fleet became known before Santiago, the
soldiers cheered wildly, and, with one accord, through miles of trenches, began
singing "The Star Spangled Banner."

SINGING "The Star Spanged Banner"
In the very jaws of death!
Singing our glorious anthem,
Some with their latest breath!
The strains of that solemn music
Through the spirit will ever roll,
Thrilling with martial ardor
The depths of each patriot soul.

Hearing the hum of the bullets!
Eager to charge the foe!
Biding the call to battle,
Where crimson heart streams flow!
Thinking of home and dear ones,
Of mother, of child, of wife,
They sang "The Star Spangled Banner"
On that field of deadly strife.

They sang with the voices of heroes,
In the face of Spanish guns,
As they leaned on their loaded rifles,
With the courage that never runs.
They sang to our glorious emblem,
Upraised on that war-worn sod,
As the saints in the old arena
Sang a song of praise to God.

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