Poetry Explorer

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THE DANUBE RIVER, by                    
First Line: Do you recall that night in june
Last Line: Adown the danube river.
Subject(s): Danube (river)

Do you recall that night in June,
Upon the Danube river?
We listen'd to a Landler tune,
We watch'd the moonbeams quiver.
I oft since then have watch'd the moon,
But never, love, oh! never,
Can I forget that night in June,
Adown the Danube river.

Our boat kept measure with its oar,
The music rose in snatches,
From peasants dancing on the shore
With boisterous songs and catches.
I know not why that Landler rang
Through all my soul -- but never
Can I forget the songs they sang
Adown the Danube river.

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