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SEVEN SAD SONNETS: 2. THE OTHER ONE COMES TO HER, by                    
First Line: At last her face was turned to him who knew
Last Line: She sent him from her with remorseful eyes.
Subject(s): Deception; Love - Unrequited

At last her face was turned to him who knew
Only the mockery of an old denial,
And though he sensed no single word was true
He sunned him in the strangeness of her smile.

Wondering why she suddenly was kind,
He thought his faithfulness had found her heart.
He did not see the path that lay behind,
Nor guess what kept them ever wide apart.
She held him lightly, so he held her high,
Jumping to answer each amused behest;
She tried to make I love you not a lie,
To take him to her soft deserted breast.

But when the hour came -- to his surprise
She sent him from her with remorseful eyes.

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