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ONE WOMAN, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Thou listenest to us with unheeding ear
Last Line: Lays bare thy secret -- thou canst not forget!
Subject(s): Women

THOU listenest to us with unlistening ear;
Alike to thee our censure and our praise:
Thou hearest voices that we may not hear;
Thou livest only in thy yesterdays!

We see thee move, erect and pale and brave;
Soft words are thine, sweet deeds, and gracious will;
Yet thou art dead as any in the grave --
Only thy presence lingers with us still.

With others, joy and sorrow seem to slip
Like light and shade, and laughter kills regret:
But thou -- the fugitive tremor of thy lip
Lays bare thy secret -- thou canst not forget!

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