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First Line: My native land I will not leave
Last Line: A star in heav'n, I trust.
Subject(s): Germany; Patriotism; Germans

MY native land I will not leave,
Whatever may be told;
Above all other countries it
Doth shine like purest gold.
Let Fortune smile in other realms,
In richer pomp of hue,
Nowhere save in my native land
Laughs sun from skies as blue.

My native land I will not leave;
My parents' home is here,
A quiet sanctuary which
I draw in rev'rence near.
Each foot of soil is hallowed ground,
More sacred naught can be;
E'en with no priestly ritual,
The tears spring to mine e'e.

My native land I will not leave,
No matter what may come,
Although all suddenly should dawn
The final day of doom.

I know that then the world will pass
Away in smoke and dust;
But my loved Germany will shine
A star in Heav'n, I trust.

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