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I HAVE LOVED, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: I have drunk deep of the flaming
Last Line: "yes, yes! I have loved, have loved!"
Subject(s): Love

I HAVE drunk deep of the flaming
Sun's all-consuming glow;
I've lain absorbed in dreaming
'Neath the moonbeams silv'ry flow.

On tempestuous winds, wild roaring,
Over all the world I've sped,
And, heaven's blue vault exploring,
The stars have my playmates made.

The songs elves and nixies were singing
Reached me in notes sweet and clear,
And clouds, their soft hues mingling
In roseate tints, floated near.

Then joined moon and sun in the asking:
Was aught more fair where I roved?
I answered, in joy's rapture basking,
"Yes, yes! I have loved, have loved!"

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