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THE ROSE I GREW, by                    
First Line: In pensive mood
Last Line: As one I grew and watched from day to day!
Subject(s): Flowers; Gardens & Gardening; Roses

In pensive mood,
I walked along the garden path one day,
And there beside the wall where shines the sun
I cleared a little place and dug a hole,
And planted there a rosebush, only one.

In careless mood,
I walked along the path again one day,
And on the stem two tiny leaves I found.
My heart leaped up! A miracle I saw,
A growing thing made this a hallowed ground.

In happy mood,
I went to see my rosebush every day,
And dug and sprayed and watered it with care.
My heart rejoiced when each new leaf appeared,
My friends came out to see, my joy to share.

In joyous mood,
I watched each day a tiny bud unfold
And slowly opened leaves of rarest shade,
A velvet pink no artist's brush could tint;
It was my own, its beauty I had made.

(Oh changing mood!)
A full-blown rose I plucked one day with care
And placed it in a vase where I could see.
I think I never saw a rose so rare
As one I grew and watched from day to day!

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