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BELOVED, by                    
First Line: Kiss me, beloved!
Last Line: Kiss me, love!
Subject(s): Hearts; Kisses; Love

KISS me, beloved!
Your loving arms about me close,
Lips on lips,
As the happy bee from heart of the rose
Nectar sips!
Press me, closer, loving arm,
To his breast,
Safely hid from grief and harm
To rest, rest —
Kiss me, beloved!

As you clasp these hands of mine,
I whisper this,
"Hands, lips, tresses, all are thine,
To love and kiss."
Ah, time goes on hastening wings,
Fast, too fast;
Though he steals all other things,
Love will last —
Kiss me, beloved!

May we ever be side by side,
Loving still,
Two full lives in love allied,
One heart, one will!
May love make sweet the hurrying years,
Heart of my heart,
And your kisses ever banish fears
Till death us part.
Kiss me, beloved!

Hush, speak not! 't is love's sweet hour
All else above;
And you are the bee and I the flower.
Kiss me, love!

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