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PHAENOMENA: PROEM, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: From zeus begin we, never nameless we
Last Line: You keep my song from trespass all the way.

FROM Zeus begin we, never nameless we
May leave him. All the streets are full of Zeus,
And market-places: full also the sea
And harbours. Ever in the need of Zeus
We stand, for we are also his offspring,
And mild to men he gives signs favouring.

Wakening the folk to work for livelihood,
He tells when ground is best for ox and spade,
And when the trenching season is most good
For trees, when seed to sow. Himself arrayed
The signs in heaven, the stars and constellations
That best may mark the season's alternations.

He watched year through, that all might grow unceasing;
Wherefore do men him first and last revere.
Hail Father! Great thy wonder, man's great blessing
Thou and the Elder Race! And Muses dear
Hail each and all! I tell the stars, and pray
You keep my song from trespass all the way.

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