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A REMEMBERED FACE, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: On euripides' plays we debated
Last Line: Ere darkness had blighted his days.
Variant Title(s): The Blind Student
Subject(s): Mothers

ON Euripides' plays we debated,
In College, one chill winter night;
A student rose up, while we waited
For more intellectual light.
As he stood, pale and anxious, before us,
Three words, like a soft summer wind,
Went past us and through us and o'er us--
A whisper low-breathed: "He is blind!"
And in many a face there was pity,
And in many an eye there were tears;
For his words were not buoyant and witty,
As fitted his fresh summer years.
And he spoke once or twice, as none other
Could speak, of a woman's pure ways--
He remembered the face of his mother
Ere darkness had blighted his days.

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