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Classic and Contemporary Poetry
PEARLS OF THE FAITH: 27. AS-SAMI'H, by EDWIN ARNOLD Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Writes in his mesnevi, jelalu-'d-deen Last Line: Our love inspire, and thine bestow. Subject(s): God; Islam | |||
As-Samî'h! Oh, Thou hearer! none can be So far, his crying doth not come to Thee. Writes in his Mesnevî, Jelâlu-'d-deen: There came a man of Yaman, poor and old, To Mecca, making pilgrimage; untaught, A shepherd of the hills. Humble he trod The six mikât, the stages of the Hadj; Humbly indued the ihrâm, garb of faith Which hath no seam; made due ablutions, kissed The black stone; then three times with hastening feet Circled the Kaabah, and four times paced With slackened gait the tawâf, as is due, (For such observances the Mollah taught). But, when he bowed before the Holy Place, Thus brake his soul from him, knowing no prayer, Full of God's love, though ignorant of God: "Oh, Master! Oh, my Sheikh! where tarriest Thou! Show me Thy face that I may worship Thee, May toil Thy servant, which I am in heart: Ah! let me sew Thy shoes, anoint Thine hair, Wash Thy soiled robes, and serve Thee daily up My she-goats' freshest milkI love Thee so! Where hidest Thou, that I may kiss Thine hand, Chafe Thy dear feet, and ere Thou takest rest In the gold sky, beside Thy sun, belike, Among the soft-spread fleeces of Thy clouds Sweep out Thy chamber, oh, my joy, my King!" Which hearing, thy who kept the shrine, incensed, Had haled him to the gateway, crying, "Dog! What blasphemy is this thou utterest, Saying such things of Him That hath no needs Of nourishment, nor clothing, nor repose, Nor hands, nor feet, nor any form or frame; That thou, base keeper of a silly herd, Shouldst proffer service to the All-Powerful? Meet were it that we stone thee dead with stones, Who art accursed and injurious. Begone! these holy walls are not for thee.' So, sore abashed, that shepherd made to go. Silent and weeping; but our Prophet marked, And with mild eyes smiled on the man; then spake To those that drave him forth: "Ye, when ye pray Outside this holy place, in distant lands, Whither turn ye your faces?" Each one said, "Unto the Kaabah." "And when ye pray; Within the blessèd precincts, pilgrims here, Which way lies Mecca?" "All is sacred here," They answered, "and it matters nought which way." "Lo, now ye reason well," replied our Lord; "Inside the Kaabah it matters nought Whither men turn; and in the secret place Of perfect love for God, words are as breath And will is all. This simple shepherd's prayer Came unto Allah's ears clearer than yours, Nathless his ignorance, because his heart Not tongue, not understandinguttered it. Make room for God's poor lover nighest me; Good fellowship hath any man with him To whom Heaven's ear as quick inclines itself As doth a mother's when her babe lisps love." Then were they sore asham&3232;d in that hour. Hearer of hearts! As-Samî'h! so Our love inspire, and Thine bestow. | Discover our Poem Explanations and Poet Analyses!Other Poems of Interest...THE CRESCENT AND THE CROSS by THOMAS BAILEY ALDRICH PEARLS OF THE FAITH: 1. ALLAH by EDWIN ARNOLD PEARLS OF THE FAITH: 10. AL-JABBAR by EDWIN ARNOLD PEARLS OF THE FAITH: 11. AL-MUTAKABBIR by EDWIN ARNOLD PEARLS OF THE FAITH: 12. THE CREATOR by EDWIN ARNOLD PEARLS OF THE FAITH: 13. AL-BARI by EDWIN ARNOLD PEARLS OF THE FAITH: 14. AL-MUZAWWIR by EDWIN ARNOLD PEARLS OF THE FAITH: 15. AL-GHAFFAR by EDWIN ARNOLD |