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THE MORN, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: When light begins the eastern heav'n to grace
Last Line: Do glut myself with pleasure in her arms.
Subject(s): Love; Morning

WHEN Light begins the eastern Heav'n to grace,
And the night's torches to the Sun give place,
Diana leaves her Shepherd to his sleep,
Griev'd that her horns cannot their lustre keep.

The boughs on which the wanton birds do throng,
Dance to the music of their chirping song,
Whilst they rejoice the dusky clouds are fled,
And bright Aurora rises from her bed.

Then fools and flatterers to Courts resort,
Lovers of game up, and pursue their sport;
With last night's sleep refresh'd, the lab'ring swain
Cheerfully settles to his work again.

Pleas'd Hobb unfolds his flocks, and whilst they feed,
Sits, and makes music on his oaten reed;
Then I wake too, and viewing Lesbia's charms,
Do glut myself with pleasure in her arms.

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