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THE STEAM-ENGINE: CANTO 9. VISION OF THE WORLD, by                    
First Line: I dream'd I walked, in raptures high
Last Line: As I in vision view'd!
Subject(s): Railroads; Travel; Vision; Railways; Trains; Journeys; Trips

I DREAM'D I walk'd, in raptures high,
Through realms of sunny clime,
Not of this earth; they seem'd to lie
Beyond the bourne of time.

Nor did they seem all heav'nly fair,
But happy fields between
This lowly earth of vexing care
And the celestial scene. ...

No labour long and hard oppress'd
The happy human race,
Save pleasing tasks with bracing rest,
In this exalted place.

No beast, throughout its breadth and length,
Was e'er compell'd to toil;
For POWERS of superhuman strength
Gave culture to the soil.

The chariots here, in gorgeous train,
Sped swift in pageant tours;
And vessels on the rolling main,
Moved by these MIGHTY POWERS. ...

I'd seen these god-like POWERS before
On this our lowly earth;
Was present at th' auspicious hour,
When they received their birth:

Yet here I miss'd the vexing cares,
The avarice and pride,
The loud contentions, angry jars,
Which man from man divide.

My wonder deep one standing near
At once deign'd to explain;
"Behold," he said, "the destined sphere

"HE slavish toil and care destroy'd,
While bliss, like Eden's, is enjoy'd
In this bright land of ours!

"And strangled by HIS mighty hold
Are vice and sin and woe;
As holy prophets had foretold
Some thousand years ago!"

Th' advancing day's tumultuous noise
My happy slumber broke;
From raptures of celestial joys,
To real scenes I woke;

Not without hopes the time would come.
When earth would be renew'd,
With all such glories in their bloom,
As I in vision view'd!

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