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THE IDOL, by                    
First Line: O limp-haired corsican! Thy france was fair
Last Line: Unquiet when she neighed.
Subject(s): Animals; Horses; Idols

O LIMP-HAIRED Corsican! thy France was fair
By Messidor's wide sunbeams lit!
Like a rebellious steed that will not bear
Or golden rein or iron bit;
A tameless filly whose rude flanks did smoke
With blood of royal kings outpoured,
She proudly trod the ancestral soil and broke
At last from tyranny abhorred.
Never had she yet felt the mastering hand
Harass and goad with whip and rein;
Her back by saddle never had been spanned,
Nor dragged a foreign chain;
Ungroomed her wild mane; like a gypsy wench
Proud-eyed, her haunches swayed
On upright limbs; she made the whole world blench
Unquiet when she neighed.

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