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SONNETS OF MANHOOD: 39. NOT CHRIST, BUT CHRIST'S GOD, by                    
First Line: Though christ we need not, yet the god who shone
Last Line: Not in one heart alone god's spirit glows.
Subject(s): Jesus Christ

Though Christ we need not, yet the God who shone
Upon the Jewish hero's soul we need.
Though we despise the grey-beard Church's creed,
Christ we despise not,—nor his image wan
Upon the canvas of vast centuries gone:
The tender heart that for the race did bleed
We reverence, and to its great thoughts give heed,—
Yet the huge surge of Progress thundereth on!

The God of Christ we yearn for more than we
Desire the Hebrew. 'Mid our lanes of rose,—
Where the soft clinging honeysuckle grows
And scents the shoreside,—by our own wild sea,—
We would with God the eternal Father be;—
Not in one heart alone God's Spirit glows.

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