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TWELVE SONNETS: 8, by                    
First Line: If thou wert faithless, god himself would fail
Last Line: Above my boyish head wild breakers poured!
Subject(s): Faith; Belief; Creed

If thou wert faithless, God himself would fall
From the blue topmost pinnacle of heaven,
And not one star would light the towers of even
But awful gloom would overshadow all.
Whom have I but thee on whom I may call?
If thou wert faithless, every song would go:
Choked back for ever would be fancy's glow:
Apollo's wingèd feet would halt and crawl.

See how thy faithfulness is God to me.
The very sign and token of the Lord
Is thy sweet spotless ceaseless purity:
My white stone and my message and reward:—
If thou wert faithless, better had the sea
Above my boyish head wild breakers poured!

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