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CARN A-TURNEN YOLLER, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: The copse ha' got his shiady boughs
Last Line: The ears so ripe ar yoller.
Subject(s): Autumn; Seasons; Fall

THE copse ha' got his shiady boughs,
Wi' blackbirds' evemen whissles;
The hills ha' sheep upon ther brows,
The zummerleäze ha' thissles.
The meads be gay in grassy May,
But O vrom hill to holler,
Let I look down upon a groun'
O' carn a-turnen yoller.

An' pease da grow in tangled beds,
An' beäns be sweet to snuff, O;
The tiaper woats da bend ther heads,
The barley's beard is rough, O;
The turnip green is fresh between
The carn in hill ar holler,
But I'd look down upon the groun'
O' wheat a-turnen yoller.

'Tis merry when the brawny men
Da come to reap it down, O,
Wher glossy red the poppy head
'S among the sta'ks so brown, O;
'Tis merry while the wheat's in hile
Ar when, by hill ar holler,
The leäzers thick da stoop to pick
The ears so ripe ar yoller.

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