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OUR HEDGES, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Aye, which way ran the boughy hedge
Last Line: All green with summer boughs.
Subject(s): Hedges; Home; Memory

Aye, which way ran the boughy hedge,
Or north and south, or east and west,
Along the homeground's flow'ry edge
With many a song bird's round-rimm'd nest?
From east to west, in wind that play'd
On one side sunn'd, on one in shade,
In shade of summer boughs.

Ah! which way ran the flow'ry hedge,
Or north and south, or east and west,
Where we in hayfield on the ledge
So often sat for nunch or rest?
From north to south, with one side bright
Till noon, and one from noon to night,
All bright with summer boughs.

To what blue quarter of the sky
Ran that which we, at times on times,
On Sundays stepp'd so lightly by
Towards the church's loud'ning chimes?
Along its side our path led forth
To church uphill, to south from north,
From north by summer boughs.

And down from church are hedges two
That, side by side, south eastward wend
And skirt the lane that I went through
To see safe home a sweet young friend.
Two happy souls were we between
The hedges two in flow'ry green,
All green with summer boughs.

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