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First Line: When bill shakes hands with all the mob
Last Line: "I'm stopping at the pub!"
Subject(s): Bars & Bartenders; Drinks & Drinking; Pubs; Taverns; Saloons; Wine

WHEN Bill shakes hands with all the mob
At Chance-it, on the Yarrangob,
You've got to understand
That Bill is bound for Sydney-side
To cut his cheque out good and wide
In style to beat the band,
For Bill has not been there before;
In fact, I must say, furthermore,
He has not further sped
Than once or twice to Down-and-Out
To slake a predatory drought
And paint that small place red.

"Well, so long, Bill," the boys once more
Shout after him in hearty roar,
And Bill he waved his dook.
When Ginger King ran up the hill,
And yelled, "I say, there, hold on, Bill;
I wanter ask yer—look,
When you get down to Sydney-side
Where do you reckon to reside?
Where will you bunk and grub?"
"Gorstruth," says Bill, "you oughter know!
When I get inter town—What-o!
I'm stopping at the pub!"

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