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A MOTHER'S ANSWER (2), by                    
First Line: The good man took the sacred book
Last Line: "beyond its strength will try."
Subject(s): Mothers

THE good man took the Sacred Book,
And the trial of Abraham read,
Until in the solemn shadows,
The sorrow grew wondrous near;--
Fathers looked at their own bright sons,
And the mothers dropped a tear.

Thoughtful all sat a little space,
And then the Dominie said:
"David, couldst thou have done this thing?"
And the old man bowed his head,
And standing up with lifted face,
Answered: "I think I could,
For I have found through eighty years
That the Lord our God is good."

"Janet, you've been a mother oft,
Could your faith have stood the test?"
She raised her grandchild in her arms,
And she held it to her breast--
"God knows a mother's love," she said,
While the tears dropped from her eyes;
"And never from a mother's heart
Would have asked such sacrifice."

"O mother, wise," the preacher said,
"O mother, wise and good,
A deeper depth than man can reach
Thy heart hath understood.
Take Janet's sermon with you, friends,
And as your years go by,
Believe our Father no poor soul
Beyond its strength will try."

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