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First Line: Thy latest leaf is shed
Last Line: Death seems to make thee dearer!
Alternate Author Name(s): Quaker Poet
Subject(s): Death; Dead, The

THY latest leaf is shed,
Life's beaming sun hath set;
Thou sleep'st among the dead,
But art remember'd yet,
Not only to the last,
Did I look up, and love;
But now, when all is past,
Thought follows thee above.

While life had aught to give
That might seem bliss to thee,
I wish'd that thou might'st live,
Though parted far from me.
But when existence here
Could suffering but increase;
All, all who held thee dear
Desir'd thy soul's release.

It came, and thou art free,
Nor can I mourn the stroke,
Although, in losing thee,
Some sweetest ties are broke.
Farewell! belov'd, rever'd;
We part, but to be nearer;
Though much thy life endear'd,
Death seems to make thee dearer!

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