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SONNET TO A FRIEND, ON HIS SECOND MARRIAGE, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: To hymen's shrine, where once thy vows were paid
Last Line: On which love prompted you again to build.
Alternate Author Name(s): Quaker Poet
Subject(s): Marriage; Weddings; Husbands; Wives

To Hymen's shrine, where once thy vows were paid,
Thou hast been on pilgrimage again: and now
Thy evening fire, whose fitful radiance play'd
Often for us alone, lights up a brow,
And eye, and cheek, which by its dancing rays
Look lovelily; and make the circle round
One upon which thy gladden'd eye may gaze
Untired, till thy heart own its wishes crown'd.
May health, and home-born bliss, and calm content
Long haunt the spot! and still increasing love
Of her, now own'd its brightest ornament,
An ample source of purest pleasure prove.
That you may both confess each hope fulfill'd,
On which love prompted you again to build.

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