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AN EASTER OFFERING, by                    
First Line: Now, nature, from the fertile mold
Last Line: He lives, our resurrected king!
Subject(s): Easter; Grace; Holidays; Jesus Christ; Resurrection, The; The Resurrection

Now, nature, from the fertile mold
Your store of treasure vast unfold,
And from your warm and pulsing heart
New life once more to earth impart;
O'er hill and vale and meadow wide,
On mountain lone, by ebbing tide
Unfold the buds of promise sweet
The waiting world again to greet,
And resurrect the flowers fair
A perfumed incense on the air,
And this, an humble tribute bring,
Earth's offering to her Easter King.

Let nature's minstrelsy awake!
The gentle wind love's message take
In music's notes of sweetest strain
Till flowing brooks catch the refrain,
And murm'ring gently to the sea
Repeat the song from lea to lea.
Then wakes the ocean's mighty soul
And o'er its billows anthems roll.
Let woodland carolers be heard,
And chant again the joyous word,
From cliff to cliff Te Deums ring
Hosannah to the Saviour King!

Oh lives with these great blessings fraught,
A gift of love divinely bought,
To Him who hath our ransom paid,
The hope of joy eternal made,
Let grateful hearts their homage pay
And give Him praise from day to day
Till round the world we will proclaim
The glories of the Saviour's name,
And in an endless anthem sing,
He lives, our resurrected King!

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