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THE SPINNER, by                    
First Line: Ah, I think I hear a sound
Last Line: I did hear her spin and weave.
Subject(s): Spinning

AH, I think I hear a sound,
Something humming round and round.
Is it wings astir, a-flutter,
Just outside my window shutter?
Whir, whir,
Soft as old gray pussy's purr.

Maybe moth in foolish flight
Lured here by my candle-light,
Eager but to reach the burning
Out of which is no returning.
Soft of wing,
Newly fledged and fluttering.

White the moon shines through the pane;
It is neither wind nor rain,
But I'll see when morn uncloses
Fair and pink my sweet-brier roses,
What it is
Makes such whirring sound as this.

Out I look upon the dawn,
Sound of spinning-wheel is gone.
Half unfolded roses cluster,
And a web of silken luster
Hangs and sways
In the early morning rays.

Did the spider make the whir
As she spun this gossamer?
Patient, slow from the beginning,
Real old-fashioned, great-wheel spinning,
Thread by thread,
Back and forth with busy tread.

All I know is, something kept
Fluttering, rustling till I slept,
And behold this fabric shining
White as mist with silver lining.
I believe
I did hear her spin and weave.

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