Classic and Contemporary Poetry
Γενεθλιακον, by JOSEPH BEAUMONT First Line: Whilst I behinde me cast my annual ey Last Line: Thy graces aid, at least now gin to live. Subject(s): England; Grief; Holidays; Hope; New Year; English; Sorrow; Sadness; Optimism | |||
WHILST I behinde Me cast my annual Ey, What do I but my Sodome spy! O lamentable Sight Which justly might Not fix Me in a pile of Salt, But all my guilty Essence melt Into a Flood of Paenitence, whose Tide Might drown that which is gone, And let me safely on Its back unto the shore of this Year ride! 2 Alas! that I must these twelve Moneths discount, In which my Life did not amount To more than Death: For though I made a show Of breathing, & still walkd about As yf in Lifes trade I had wrought; Yet, sure my Paths were but the ways of Sinn, I did but cheat my Breath, And wretchedly taught Death Its Victory before its time to win. 3 For is not now my Soule worse by a year Than 'twas before? Am I not heer Much further from my God, Than when I trode My two & thirtieth Round? And by This distance of Impiety I grovel in a deadly Sink; For though Fond Men beleve where e'r They breathe, they Living are, Yet sure in Heavn alone true Life doth grow. 4 Those Judgements which now in our Island reign, Might well have weand me to abstein From the bewitching Breast Of Worldly Rest; And rather to Heavns Bottles send My hearts inflamed Thirst, than spend My pretious Time to suck that Milk which can Perhaps right-sweetly mock, Or delicately choke, But never nourish the faint Soule of Man. 5 Yet foolish I heer needs would linger still, To get of Emptines my fill: As yf Heavns Pleasure must On my vain Lust Have danc'd attendance; & I might Heerafter time enough have light My lamp of Piety; yea though I knew Mortalities least blast Might Deaths sad curtains cast O'r my Lifes candle, e'r I older grew. 6 Alas, yf any Act appeard in Me Which might with credit owned be, I finde no ground to call It mine; for all Its beauty flowd from His fair Love Whose Mercy with my Vilenes strove. Nor must the stinking Puddle think that she Is beauteous, 'cause the Sun By kinde effusion Makes Her the Glass of his bright Majestie. 7 But sure, too sure, I am that Shame alone Belongs to all that I have done: Nor can my Blushes die So deep & high My guilty Cheeks, but tinctur'd in A redder grain I finde my Sin; A grain so obstinate, that were the Blood Of JESUS less than what It is, my woefull Blot Could not be washd away by any Flood. 8 Yet Heavns (& none but Heavns) allserching Ey Did this Years mystik Pangs descry, With which my Heart, alas, In travel was: For close I huggd my sweet Distress, And feasted on its bitterness. I feasted; but my cruel Banquet still Reveng'd my appetite, By torturing Delight, And bred more hunger as it more did fill. 9 That noble Soule whose Sweetnes made this Feast, And deignd to let Me be the Guest, Though much it knew, yet saw Not upon how Seveer & mercyless a Rack My Thoughts & all my Spirits were broke. No! Had it known, its generous Love would by Some speedy Art have found A way to close that Wound Which all this tedious Year did open ly. 10 Not all the Seas Wealth could with Me prevail Through such another Year to sail, In which the soule of Gall Was mixd with all My dearest Tides of Joy, whilst I By Absences strange cruelty A thousand present Shipwracks felt, & though I was in ken (& more,) Of my desired shore, Yet might (I know not why,) not thether row. 11 How often has my working Minde been tost, And in Amazements billows lost! Against the insultations Of mutinous Passions As often as I pitchd the feild So often was I forc'd to yeild: For in my bosomes Arcenal did ly My pretious Conqueror, and How then could I withstand Those volleys which from my own heart did fly? 12 What can I do, great LOVE, but sue to Thee, The Master of my heart & Me? Yf this my deer Designe Run cross to thine; Yf it inferrs, (what I abhorr,) My noblest Freinds true damage; or My own Soules Loss: oh rather in the Sea Of all those Woes which can Wrack this poor Life of Man May I be plung'd, than it should compassd be. 13 But yf this Joy of mine suits with thy Pleasure, Give me possession of my Treasure. Fain would I, this Request Should be the Best; Yet still I would not, yf it be Not most intirely such to Thee. O JESU, Thou who se'st my Heart, & all The Pangs which revell there, Give thy propitious Ear Unto thy prostrate Worms lamenting Call. 14 So shall this new uncertain Year, to Me Assure it self a Jubile; So shall my wearied Breast Attain such Rest As for thy Work may fitt Me; So No longer I perplexd shall go In Doubts & Fears wilde Maze; So shall I strive To gain those Years which I Have lost before, & by Thy Graces Aid, at least now gin to Live. | Discover our Poem Explanations and Poet Analyses!Other Poems of Interest...HOPE IS NOT FOR THE WISE by ROBINSON JEFFERS SONNET by JAMES WELDON JOHNSON SPRING FLOODS by MAURICE BARING SONNET: 9. HOPE by WILLIAM LISLE BOWLES EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT by DEREK MAHON Γενεθλιακον by JOSEPH BEAUMONT A CONCLUSORIE HUMNE TO THE SAME WEEK; & FOR MY FRIEND by JOSEPH BEAUMONT |