Classic and Contemporary Poetry
HUMANE REVENGE, by JOSEPH BEAUMONT First Line: Where doth that beutie & that sweetnes lie Last Line: Not trust with him, thy self how canst thou trust? Subject(s): God; Punishment; Sin | |||
WHERE doth that Beutie & that Sweetnes lie Whereby Thou charmest generous Spirits, whoe With might & main thy busines do; Thy monstrous buisnes, which All other Witcheries doth farr outwitch. 2 Art Thou not stuffd with Bitterness and Gall? Is all Thy Trade not full of gnawing Passions, Of Discontents, & self-vexations? Doth not the boiling heat Of thy fell Bosome, make thy self its meat? 3 O costly sin; what thanks to Heavn We ow, That Thou Inevitablie art accurst Thy self to feel thy furie first! Thus, in hir bringing forth, The Vigor's punishd for that hellish birth. 4 What Riddle's this, That Man should pleased be To see What Tempests He can raise, & what Harme He to others can create! That He his Gains should cast Up by no Rule, but what his Neighbor lost! 5 The worst of Tigres never on his Trey Did lay His irefull Teeth & Paws, that He Might onely read his Butcherie: 'Twas Hunger wrought the feat, And He did onelie Tear, that He might Eat. 6 But Thou, foule Hagg, canst doe no more then slay, Thy Prey: Thy Barbarisme can for its End Nothing but Barbarisme intend: For simple Mischeifs sake Thou allways thy mischeivous Pains dost take. 7 But stay thine hand, revengefull Gallant, stay, And say Whither thy Scores with God be clear; For yf th' ast any Recknings there, Learn to be kinde below, And unto Heavn that gentle Copie show. 8 Doe not by thy seveer Example force The Course Of heavnly Furie: doe not stop The golden gate of Mercie up. O doe not Thou deny Forgivenes, whoe without it needs must dy. 9 Trust God to vindicate thy Injurie, Since He Monopolizeth Vengance, and Ties it to His almighty Hand. Or yf thy Case Thou durst Not trust with Him, thy self how canst thou trust? | Discover our Poem Explanations and Poet Analyses!Other Poems of Interest...SEVEN STREAMS OF NEVIS by GALWAY KINNELL CHANEL NO. 5 by LAURE-ANNE BOSSELAAR BROTHERS: 4. IN MY OWN DEFENSE by LUCILLE CLIFTON THE RING AND THE CASTLE by AMY LOWELL APPELLATE JURISDICTION by MARIANNE MOORE Γενεθλιακον by JOSEPH BEAUMONT Γενεθλιακον by JOSEPH BEAUMONT A CONCLUSORIE HUMNE TO THE SAME WEEK; & FOR MY FRIEND by JOSEPH BEAUMONT |