Classic and Contemporary Poetry
PAULO POST ORDINATIONEM, by JOSEPH BEAUMONT First Line: Since then thou pleased art, deer lord Last Line: Febr. 27. Subject(s): Clergy; Paul, Saint (1st Century); Sacraments; Priests; Rabbis; Ministers; Bishops; Saul Of Tarsus | |||
SINCE then Thou pleased art, deer Lord, To afford To most unworthy ME This sacred Dignitie; In endless Thanks to Thee, oh may That Goodnes force my Heart it self to pay. 2 When to thy dreadfull Altar I Shall draw nigh To wait on Thee, & thence Loves wonders to dispense; Forgive my Sinns, & teach me how To raise my thoughts above all things below. 3 When I thy Lambs to pasture lead; Let me feed Their pretious Soules with sweet And holy wholesome Meat. But cheifly let my Pattern teach Them, what my Toung shall else but faintly preach. 4 When I that Balm to Soules shall deal Which to heal Meek wounded Bosomes, Thou Leftst with thy Church below; O guide my Hand with holy Skill, Least rash in others cures, my self I kill. 5 When Life, or Death, when Honors, Pleasures, Times, & Treasures, Shall tempt me to betray My Functions duty, may Thy Grace my Buckler be, & so No Powers thy feeble Priest shall overthrow. Febr. 27. | Discover our Poem Explanations and Poet Analyses!Other Poems of Interest...SAINT PAUL: 1 by FREDERICK WILLIAM HENRY MYERS THE APOSTLE by PIERRE JEAN DE BERANGER PAUL by WILLIAM ARTHUR DUNKERLEY PHILIPPIAN by HILDEGARDE FLANNER IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM by THOMAS HARDY LO! I AM SAUL, FR. SAUL by CHARLES HEAVYSEGE THE CONVERSION OF SAINT PAUL by JOHN KEBLE LOVE'S COSMOPOLITAN;(DEDICATED TO CATHEDRAL OF ST. PAUL THE TENTMAKER) by ANNIE MATHESON Γενεθλιακον by JOSEPH BEAUMONT Γενεθλιακον by JOSEPH BEAUMONT A CONCLUSORIE HUMNE TO THE SAME WEEK; & FOR MY FRIEND by JOSEPH BEAUMONT |