Classic and Contemporary Poetry
THE RELAPSE, by JOSEPH BEAUMONT First Line: Wert thou not what thou art Last Line: Sett ope, & bleed out every thing but thee. Subject(s): Forgiveness; Self-pity; Sin; Clemency | |||
WERT Thou not what Thou art, O Lord of most unbounded LOVE; This my rebellious Heart Durst never prove So bold as to implore Thy Pardon any more, Bycause my Boldnes hath so rampant been Against thy mighty Mercy to my Sinn. 2 For have not I again Resum'd that odious Vomit, which Of late I did disdain? Has not the Itch Of fond Imaginations, And fruitless Contemplations Spred its unquiet Taint's unhappy powers Over my calm & consecrated houres? 3 Has not my foolish Minde Foulie misplac'd its Sorrow, and Been troubled more to finde Thine angry Hand Pouring out Vengeance; then To see my Flood of Sinn, Whose roaring Waves awak'd thy Wrath, which now In woefull Streams of Blood about doth flow. 4 Has not my lavish Breast Embrac'd my pretious Friend too close: The thoughts of whome possest Me so, that those Which I design'd to be Attending upon Thee Were often justled out, whilst thus my faint Devotions, from my God fell to my Saint. 5 O mighty Soverain Of Pittie, Loe my prostrate Heart Lies trembling once again Under thy Dart: Strike, strike, & pierce it by LOVES healing cruelty; That by that blessed Wound my Soule may be Sett ope, & bleed out every thing but Thee. | Discover our Poem Explanations and Poet Analyses!Other Poems of Interest...FORGIVING MY FATHER by LUCILLE CLIFTON WHAT WE CARRY; FOR DONALD by DORIANNE LAUX THE MAN WITH THE HOE OUTWITTED by EDWIN MARKHAM SPOON RIVER ANTHOLOGY: ELMER BARR by EDGAR LEE MASTERS LEAVING CHURCH EARLY by JOHN UPDIKE Γενεθλιακον by JOSEPH BEAUMONT Γενεθλιακον by JOSEPH BEAUMONT A CONCLUSORIE HUMNE TO THE SAME WEEK; & FOR MY FRIEND by JOSEPH BEAUMONT |