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PORTRAIT SONNETS: 3, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: It was so much the way that tulips bloom
Last Line: And perfect things about brief-living clay.
Subject(s): Tulips

It was so much the way that tulips bloom,
Her coming and the way she had with me --
So much the way a tulip mocks a tree
Which late in April keeps a winter gloom --
That I, like one who guards in a close room
Precarious fires, was wholly glad to see
Such light, incautious burning -- glad that she,
Completely torch, made gay her certain doom.

But since those bright, disturbing flowers are dark
And lie, more ash than ember, on the ground,
I feel a purpose in the brilliant play
That was of very life, and less a mark
Of folly than of knowing quite profound
And perfect things about brief-living clay.

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