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First Line: Sing of love, and what sing I?
Last Line: So could still them, and be heard?
Subject(s): Happiness; Love; Memory; Singing & Singers; Joy; Delight; Songs

Sing of love, and what sing I?
That the burnished marshes lie
Yonder 'neath a poppied sky;
That the eldritch wind makes free
With the wayward soul of me;
That you gnarled and crookback tree
Points the way to visions new
Past the luring sea's keen blue,—
That the sunset thrills me through!

Sing of love, and what sing I?
To the dusk's soft symphony
I would be in brother tone.
Love can leave no man alone!
Forth fare I, companioned now
By each swayed, harmonic bough,
By each prescient star aflame.

Yet, with twilight, how she came
Whispering in each breeze, and bowed
From each battlement of cloud.
"You would shut me out, content
With a barren firmament?
See, I call you softly!"

Thus I heard her—and I go.

Sing of love, and so sing I!
What worth earth or sea or sky
If her little mortal word
So could still them, and be heard?

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