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TWO SONNETS: 1, by                    
First Line: Antigone and helen - would they laugh
Last Line: To tolerate such frolics in the shade!
Subject(s): Mythology

Antigone and Helen -- would they laugh
To see La Belle Florinda shake her limbs?
How would the sacred Eleusinian hymns
Sound on the record of a phonograph?
Oh, you who cherish La Belle's autograph,
Who serve her eyebrows and her slightest whims,
Oh, you who pay her supper bills at Tims'
Who pride yourself that you can stand the gaff --

Would you be shocked beyond your puny wits
Were you to stumble on the hidden glade
Where Bacchanals and Helen danced and swayed
Nude in the moonlight? Ah, the code that fits
The glowing Broadway lights is much too staid
To tolerate such frolics in the shade!

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