Poetry Explorer

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SUNSET ON THE ORANGE MOUNTAINS, by                    
First Line: Apollo, homeward bound
Last Line: Their gloom o'er hill and dale.
Subject(s): Evening; Mountains; Sunset; Twilight; Hills; Downs (great Britain)

Apollo, homeward bound,
Stands balanced on the mountain's brink,
Drenching each thick-enfoliaged velvet mound
In dripping liquid splotch of orange ink.
The trees, with golden halos crowned,
Beneath his splendor shrink.

Stock-still he seems to stand,
His sandals on a tree at rest;
Then down he leaps as though at some command,
But halts when half beneath the shining crest
To contemplate the journey plann'd,
Then sinks into the west.

Down here all's drab and dead,
But there on high is left his trail:
The mountains still are clad in blushing red,
Which soon is banished for a faint pink veil.
Rested, I watch the shadows shed
Their gloom o'er hill and dale.

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