Poetry Explorer

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THE COMING OF THE SNOW, by                    
First Line: At yestere'en the world was dull and bare
Last Line: We had not been such fretful, restless men.
Subject(s): Earth; Silence; World

At yestere'en the world was dull and bare,
Across the brown fields, looking out to sea,
The loitering grass-stalks, moving fitfully,
Reminders were of serried ranks of care.

The very noises of the highway jarred
With seeming consciousness the aching heart,
And souls twin-born, instinctively apart
Did move nor deemed the passing hour ill-starred.

Today a silent peacemaker is here,
Whose graceful touch the world has garmented,
And brambles from their lowly, wayside bed
Are risen and in outlines new appear,

And sounds are hushed that vexed so sadly then,
Half-softened -- half-subdued -- half-lost
It may be had we known the cost
We had not been such fretful, restless men.

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