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PSALM 2. QUARE FREMUERUNT GENTES, by                    
First Line: What ails this heathenish rage? What do these people mean
Last Line: O they be rightly blessed.

What ails this heathenish rage? What do these people mean
To mutter murmurs vain?
Why do these earthly kings and lords such meetings make
And counsel jointly take
Against the Lord of lords, the Lord of every thing,
And His anointed king?
Come let us break their bonds, say they, and fondly say;
And cast their yokes away.
But He shall them deride, who by the heavens is borne,
He shall laugh them to scorn,
And bravely speak to them with breath of wrathful fire,
And vex them in His ire.
And say (O kings) yet have I set my king upon
My holy hill Sion.
And I will (sayeth His king) the Lord's decree display,
And say that He did say:
Thou art my son indeed, this day begot by me.
Ask I will give it thee,
The heathen for thy child's right, and will thy realm extend
Far as world's farthest end.
With iron scepter bruise thou shalt, and piecemeal break
These men like potsherds weak.
Therefore, O kings, be wise, O rulers rule your mind,
That knowledge you may find.
Serve God, serve Him with fear; rejoice in Him but so
That joy with trembling go.
With loving homage kiss that only Son He hath
Lest you inflame His wrath,
Whereof if but a spark once kindled be, you all
From your way perish shall,
And then they that in Him their only trust do rest,
O they be rightly blessed.

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