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MISAPPELLATION, by                    
First Line: I've named my clam, irene, although
Last Line: Surely I should have known clams are asexual.
Subject(s): Clams

I've named my Clam, Irene, although
I'm sure it is a male, and so,
Before his spirit gets too low,
I want a female for him.
His right Divine to be a sire,
(There is no aspiration higher),
Shall justify his deep desire
For baby clams who would adore him.

For each male creature is at loss
If he has not someone to boss
And blame things on, when he is cross:
(The gold fish quite ignore him),
So he should have a Mate, to maul,
A wife on whom to blame his "fall",
And little clamlets who would bawl
And for clemency implore him.

If you've a female clam to sell,
And she would amiably dwell
Within his heart, but her own shell,
And if she's "for" him,
He now extends this invitation
To come and share his habitation,
And there is just one stipulation --
She must not bore him.

Which merely proves I'm not an intellectual --
Surely I should have known clams are asexual.

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