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AN OLD SAW NEWLY RENDERED, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: Although nor wise nor deep in thought
Last Line: Then toot your horn and row your own canoe.
Subject(s): Canoes & Canoeing; Death; Pride; Proverbs; Dead, The; Self-esteem; Self-respect; Maxims; Adages

Although nor wise nor deep in thought,
A maxim we present that none may scorn;
The maxim this, of wisdom fraught:
Who would success in life be taught,
Must row his own canoe and toot his horn.

Are you at school in younger day,
With obstacles unnumbered full in view?
Where lessons interfere with play?
Would you surmount the weary way?
Then toot your horn and row your own canoe.

Are you a doctor, wise and deep?
And yet unknown, in poverty, forlorn;
With practice rare, or low, or cheap?
Would you to reputation sweep?
Then row your own canoe and toot your horn.

Perhaps the trader is your lot;
Would you with golden flowers your path bestrew?
Avoid the bankrupt's heavy blot?
Retire, with troubles all forgot?
Then toot your horn and row your own canoe.

Perhaps the artisan you toil;
Perhaps the farmer -- to the manor born:
And would you gather golden spoil?
Gain richest fruits from rugged soil?
Then row your own canoe and toot your horn.

Do you, a briefless lawyer, trudge,
And mourn that merit never finds its due?
Submit to frowns of surly Judge
And all that your success begrudge?
Then toot your horn and row your own canoe.

Are you a scholar, deeply read,
With culture that would any place adorn?
And do you lack your daily bread?
And other wants and sorrows dread?
Then row your own canoe and toot your horn.

Would you in social circle shine,
A strutting coxcomb, vulgar parvenu?
Sublimest ignorance combine
With golden calf in lofty shrine?
Then toot your horn and row your own canoe.

Perhaps to office you aspire,
From public crib to draw your daily corn;
Then quiet pull the secret wire,
Nor shun the name of cheat and liar;
And row your own canoe and toot your horn.

Perhaps in death you still are mad,
And at the tomb your pride would bring to view?
On marble write, however sad,
The virtues that you never had?
Then toot your horn and row your own canoe.

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