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BEAUTIFUL WORLD!, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: Beautiful world! Though bigots condemn thee
Last Line: From the god who did frame thee!
Subject(s): Beauty

BEAUTIFUL world! though bigots condemn thee,
My tongue finds no words for the graces that gem thee!
Beaming with sunny light, bountiful ever,
Streaming with gay delight, full as a river!
Bright world! brave world!
Let cavillers blame thee!
I bless thee, and bend
To the God who did frame thee!

Beautiful world! bursting around me,
Manifold million-hued wonders confound me!
From earth, sea, and starry sky, meadow and mountain,
Eagerly gushes Life's magical fountain.
Bright world! brave world!
Though witlings may blame thee,
Wonderful excellence
Only could frame thee!

The bird in the greenwood his sweet hymn is trolling,
The fish in blue ocean is spouting and rolling!
Light things on airy wing wild dances weaving,
Clods with new life in Spring swelling and heaving!
Thou quick-teeming world,
Though scoffers may blame thee,
I wonder, and worship
The God who could frame thee!

Beautiful world! what poesy measures
Thy strong-flooding passions, thy light-trooping pleasures!
Mustering, marshalling, striving, and straining,
Conquering, triumphing, ruling, and reigning!
Thou bright-armied world!
So strong! -- who can tame thee?
Wonderful power of God
Only could frame thee!

Beautiful world! while godlike I deem thee,
No cold wit shall move me with bile to blaspheme thee!
I have lived in thy light, and when Fate ends my story,
May I leave on Death's cloud the bright trail of Life's glory!
Wondrous old world!
No ages shall shame thee!
Ever bright with new light
From the God who did frame thee!

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