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AFTERGLOW, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: I pray that time full many years may bring
Last Line: And I the long decembers count by half.
Subject(s): Aging; Singing & Singers; Spring; Time; Youth; Songs

I PRAY that Time full many years may bring
And round about us heap his flowers and snow,
That we adown the western slope may go
Clasped hand in hand, as in that joyous spring
When first together we did learn to sing
The songs of youth beside the river's flow;
The songs our hearts unto the end shall know,
If now no more the woodlands with them ring.

And we shall sit on many a golden eve
Beside the fire and dream of other days
When we were young, and laugh a wrinkled laugh,
Nor mourn nor sigh that loud the winds do grieve,
For thou shalt more than multiply the Mays,
And I the long Decembers count by half.

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