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A HYMN OF ZION, by                    
First Line: Zion, we love thee well
Last Line: O'er zion's hill!
Subject(s): Faith; Freedom; Israel; Jerusalem; Jews; Zionism; Belief; Creed; Liberty; Judaism

ZION, we love thee well,
Fair land of Israel,
For thee we long!
Thou art our heart's desire,
Our altar's holy fire,
The breath that stirs our lyre,
To Freedom's song!

Land which the Jordan laves,
Land of the sacred graves,
For thee we weep!
Land where the Prophets trod,
Where Truth erst swayed the rod,
Where Psalmists sang of God,
Thy faith we keep!

Thy dawn now fills our eyes,
Thy hope now tints our skies—
Our soul's athrill!
A shoot from Jesse's stem,
Shall rule Jerusalem,
Bright be his diadem,
O'er Zion's hill!

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