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BUILDING THE LIBRARY, TOKYO UNIVERSITY; NIGHT SCENE, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Like men of fire, in painful night
Last Line: For the great muse to come!
Alternate Author Name(s): Blunden, Edmund
Subject(s): Librarians & Libraries; Tokyo Imperial University; Library; Librarians

LIKE men of fire, in painful night,
The Eastern builders thud
Their iron round; wild bubbles of light
From Babel's angles scud.

The hammer's fierce brain-battering shout
In bursts of power rebels,
Puts unheard melodies to rout,
Drowns heaven's songs and bells.

And yet it serves their quiet will,
And builds them one more home
Where nooks shall be most kind and still
For the great Muse to come!

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