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ZILLEBEKE BROOK, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: This conduit stream that's tangled here and there
Last Line: On my way up to sanctuary wood.
Alternate Author Name(s): Blunden, Edmund
Subject(s): Brooks; World War I; Streams; Creeks; First World War

THIS conduit stream that's tangled here and there
With rusted iron and shards of earthenware,
And tawny-stained with ruin trolls across
The tiny village battered into dross --
This muddy water chuckling in its run
Takes wefts of colour from the April sun,
And paints for fancy's eye a glassy burn
Ribanded through a brake of Kentish fern,
From some top spring beside a park's gray pale,
Guarding a shepherded and steepled dale,
Wherefrom the blue deep-coppiced uplands hear
The dim cool noise of waters at a weir.

And much too clear you bring it back to me,
You dreary brook deformed with cruelty,
Here where I halt to catch the day's best mood,
On my way up to Sanctuary Wood.

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