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FIGHT! (HARVARD-DARTMOUTH FOOTBALL GAME, 1908), by                    
First Line: The stadium is nervous, johnny harvard's feeling
Last Line: Please to whip him good and clean.
Subject(s): Competition; Dartmouth College; Football; Harvard University; Sports

THE Stadium is nervous, Johnny Harvard's feeling queer,
For they've got a team a-coming that is quite their fighting peer;
Johnny's memory is pricking and his mind's not quite serene,
For he knows there's nothing yellow in the wearers of the Green.

"Ready, Dartmouth?" On your toes!
"Ready, Harvard?" Off she goes!
O, it's fight, you bloody Crimson,
And it's fight, you gallant Green;
And whichever whips the other,
Please to whip him good and clean.

Eleazar Wheelock's savages have chewed the Tiger up;
Now 't would please their hungry appetites on Johnny H. to sup.
Fight your hardest, Johnny Harvard, you have got a lot to fear,
That game may make the pennant team of all this funny year.

"Ready, Harvard?" Down the field!
"Ready, Dartmouth?" Do not yield!
O, it's fight, you bloody Crimson,
And it's fight, you gallant Green;
And whichever whips the other,
Please to whip him good and clean.

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