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THE BATTLE MUSIC, by                    
First Line: Around the earth, like tides of ocean
Last Line: Who wage the battle of the soul.
Subject(s): Bands; Music & Musicians; Orchestras

AROUND the earth, like tides of ocean,
Runs God's transcendent harmonies,
They break in music of emotion
On hearts which touch the keys.

Not to the land of far forever
Must all souls wait to hear his song,
The men who wage a great endeavor
On earth have heard it long.

The vast, white orchestras of heaven
Have played through countless perished years,
And they have heard to whom is given
The fiercest trials, the hottest tears.

They only hear a song terrestrial
Who fight to gain a mortal goal,
They hear the chords of song celestial
Who wage the battle of the soul.

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